Czech defeat 'flying' Finns - 30.10. 2002

The Czech scooters defeat 2 "flying" Finns! "In Finland we think we are best kiskers in the world if not on milky way" said Alpo Kuusisto, "Everything has its end and this sentence is not true this way any more" added Petr Pesta, the head of Czech association of scootering.

High quality of scootering competition with international participants took place in Šumava (-the mountains in the east-west of the Czech republic) during weekend of the 14th-15th September 2002. The competition was the last round of Czech Rollo league but one. The Czech Rollo league is the highest competition of scooters in CR. 35 men and 10 women were starting here and two Finnish representatives (Tomas Porthin, Ville Vickholm) too. Probably the last international measure strength in scootering season turn out clearly for the Czech No.1 Ladislav Provod from Pilsen. He confidently won a long distance competition on Saturday as well as time competition on Sunday meanwhile two from the best scooters in all over the world "if not on milky way" fought against other Czechs to save their fairy-tail. Behind the sovereign leader Provod it was great battle between Czech scooters and Finns during Saturdays race. The next Czech Petr Pesta who came only 30 minutes before the start lost the second place 2 km in front of the finish because he was sick. At this moment Finn Tomas Porthin took crucial lead (about 50 metres) and hold it to the finish. Petr Pešta finished 4 seconds behind him. Michal Pesta took the forth place and the second Finn Ville Vickholm defeated Milan Gazarek on the finish line and took the fifth place. Strenuous distance was overcome by winner L. Provod in 54 min 28 s then 2nd Porthin (0:55:47), 3rd P. Pešta (0:55:51), 4th M. Pesta (0:57:40), 5th Vickholm (0:59:00), 6th Gazárek (0:59:07).

Sundays time competition for 7 km in the Šumava mountains was hold during very cold weather. The Czech Provod won very clearly again (0:18:41). Because of absence the second Czech star Pešta . The Finns endet better. The second V. Vickholm lost 37 second on the winner and the third T. Porthin lost 43 second.

I think it is a big lose for the best kiskers in the world if not on milky way. Between women Markéta Štejrová from Pilsen won clearly the both races . She is the sovereign Czech No.1 in this season. On Saturday and Sunday Lenka Štemberová a Marie Tlapová from Pilsen followed her. And one more message to the world: "We think the Czech Rollo league- the highest competition in the world at this time. About 40 scooters take place in every race, the efficiency is higher and higher. The best of them are able to defeat Finn's scooters." It seems we have made good base for expansion of scootering in our country. Interest in scootering is growing between all classes.

There are 3 main producers of scooters and some small producers. In February 2002 the Czech association of scootering became a member of CSTV. CSTV means Czech association of physical education, it is the highest sport association in the Czech Republic. It has 10305523 members and 8595 clubs. Association of scootering is developing its activities for support youth and scootering at all. The interest in scootering is growing, we could see it in Bechyne town. There was Grand Prix competition for public. 170 adults and 160 children took place in this race. " We hope we will follow this way in other countries and our sport will be stronger and more popular during few years." Ended Petr Pesta his message. Written by Czech Scooter Federation


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